Mega Man 11 Pc Fatal Error

  1. Mega Man 11 Review
  2. Mega Man Pc Game
  3. Mega Man 11 Game

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Mega Man 11's bosses can be defeated in an optimal order that will let you earn the right abilities to make your life easier. Here is the order we suggest.

One of the defining features of the Mega Man series is that fact that players can tackle the Robot Master bosses in any order. Each boss gives Mega Man a new special ability, which proves to be highly effective on one of the other Robot Masters. Mega Man 11 bring the series back into the limelight tomorrow, and its Robot Masters work just like you remember.

All of the Robot Masters are completely new and feature creative abilities for players to mess around with and use for offensive, defensive, and traversal purposes. For those picking up the game tomorrow, I wanted to provide a helpful boss order so you don’t have to go through the trial and error of trying every ability on every Robot Master and stage.

This list was constructed in a way that also balances stage and boss fight difficulty as well as boss weakness. After two playthroughs of Mega Man 11, here is what I’ve come up with:

Blast Man – Block Man – Acid Man – Impact Man – Bounce Man – Fuse Man – Tundra Man – Torch Man

Now, let me go more in-depth chronologically and explain why this is a good boss order to make your way through Mega Man 11 with. Do keep in mind that you’ll find elements below that can be considered spoilers, for obvious reasons.

Blast Man

Mega Man 11 Review

We start with Blast Man for a variety of reasons. While the rampant (and expected) explosions and fast mid-boss within his stage might scare you off at first, there’s not much to fear if you tread carefully and plan your movements within each room. This stage also has a lot fewer instant-kill opportunities than most of the other stages, so while it will keep you on your toes, it isn’t overly punishing.


Mega Man Pc Game

Blast Man weak to Blazing Torch, Torch Man’s power, but Torch Man’s stage is significantly harder so I’d recommend starting here. By beating Blast Man, you’ll gain access to Chain Blast, which lets you shoot bombs that will attach themselves to nearby enemies and chain them for more damage. They are especially helpful (and deadly) to the next boss, who has been featured heavily in the game’s marketing and Mega Man 11’s demo.

Block Man

Mega Man 11 Game

Block Man’s stage is fairly standard as Mega Man stages go, but it should give you a good taste of all the different powers at your disposal, like the Rush abilities and slide. That being said, the stage is still littered with tough enemies, a strong mid-boss, and several death pits, so it isn’t a cakewalk. While Blast Man’s Chain Blast is slow, only benefiting players a couple times in the actual stage with a few tough enemies, it does really well against Block Man.

If you can chain several bombs together, you can take out a ton of Block Man’s health from the start. When he’s around half, he’ll transform into a giant stone creature. While it can be tough to hit its weak spot with typical shots, Blast Man’s Chain Blast homing ability allows the bombs to attach themselves easily so you can get through this phase fast. From there, getting through the last leg of the fight isn’t very tough, and beating him will grant you Block Dropper.

Acid Man

From there, we go to Acid Man’s stage, which is probably the most difficult yet. Physics-changing underwater sections littered with spikes make up a majority of the stage, but they shouldn’t be insurmountable for most. Block Man’s Block Dropper is really useful for taking out enemies at a long range, which helps in this stage and the rest of Mega Man 11 in general.

As for the Acid Man fight, he can be pretty tough. He uses a shield as well as the speed gear, which both normally make him quite hard to hit. Block Dropper stops him in his tracks though, which definitely makes beating Block Man’s stage first useful. Beating Acid Man gives you Acid Barrier, a shield that will protect you from projectiles, as well as give you a curved shot that comes in handy in the next fight specifically.

Impact Man

Impact Man’s construction-themed level has a really cool aesthetic, but will also start to test your skills more with some tricky moving platforms and electrical enemies. If you aren’t careful here, you will end up in a pit. Acid Man’s Acid Barrier helps curb some of the difficulty, while Block Chopper and Chain Blast can be used to take out those same enemies easily, so his stage will really be a culmination of all the abilities you have so far.

The Impact Man fight can still be pretty hard, as Acid Barrier is a more defensive power; that being said, it can still shoot over spikes Impact Man can put in the ground, which is helpful. With enough skill, you’ll be able to fell Impact Man, and you will gain access to one of Mega Man 11’s best abilities, the Pile Driver. It thrusts Mega Man forward for an attack and is very useful for both offensive and traversal purposes. It makes the next boss a cakewalk. You will also gain access to the Rush Jet after the fourth stage you beat.

Bounce Man

Mega man 11 pc fatal error download

Bounce Man is actually one of the easier fights in the game, especially if you have Impact Man’s power. More so than other boss weakness, Bounce Man can easily be taken down with only three or four strikes from the Pile Driver. His stage isn’t too bad either, bouncing around constantly might be annoying if you don’t have a good grip on the controls, but you should be used to them by this point in the adventure.

Bounce Man will try to bounce around the stage and grab you, but you can destroy him within just a few hits if you use the Pile Driver. Once you beat Bounce Man, you will receive Bounce Ball, which allows you to shoot multiple balls that act as projectiles and will bounce off walls. This attack lacks power but is great for clearing out enemies and should become useful within the last leg of your adventure. This stage should give you a nice breather in the middle of your adventure, but these final three stages do really ramp up in difficulty.

Fuse Man

Fuse Man’s stage is full of electrical traps and enemies that will shock the Blue Bomber and quickly deplete your health if you aren’t careful. Timing movement right is key in several areas, so this is a stage that really relies on player skill more than anything else. Fortunately, the mid-boss can be taken care of quickly with Bounce Ball.

The Fuse Man fight is also very fast-paced, with the Robot Master using the Speed Gear to quickly teleport around the stage. Using Bounce Ball makes you more likely to hit Fuse Man than other attacks, and also do slightly more damage. After beating Fuse Man, Mega Man receives Scramble Thunder, which lets him fire bolts of electricity on the ground or straight above him to create for some AOE damage.

Tundra Man

Next up is Tundra Man’s stage, which has a cool (pun intended) museum atheistic. This stage is covered in ice, so traversal can be tricky, but the Rush Jet, Pile Driver, and Spike Boots upgrade that can be purchased should make things easier. One part has players making several tough jumps onto ice platforms in quick succession, so definitely watch out for that.

Once you get to the Tundra Man fight itself, the skating robot will use the Speed Gear to whisk itself across the stage. He can be a bit tough to nail down, but Block Man’s Block Dropper and Fuse Man’s Scramble Thunder can stop this. Beating Tundra Man also gives you access to Tundra Storm, which has Mega Man spawn a freezing whirlwind that can damage enemies or screen clear with the Power Gear. This is definitely a great ability to have when going into Mega Man 11’s toughest Robot Master stage and fight.

Torch Man

Torch Man’s stage can be really tough to get through, especially for a not yet upgraded Mega Man, which is why I recommend doing it last. This stage is all about fire, having just as many exploding enemies as Blast Man’s stage, plus some situations with waves of fire that can kill Mega Man instantly. Using the Speed Gear is the best way to get through these really tough situations, while Tundra Man’s Tundra Storm will make very quick work of the boss mid-stage.

During the fight with Torch Man, the Robot Master will fling himself across the stage with his own form of kung-fu, which can be tough to dodge without using the Pile Driver. Once he lands, quickly hitting him with his weakness, Tundra Storm will make the fight go a lot better. Once you beat Torch Man, you will be able to use Blazing Torch, a good offensive ability that hits enemies with a flaming diagonal attack.

It’s a nice reward for beating one of the tougher stages and definitely helps in the stages leading up to the final fight with Dr. Wily. Beating Torch Man completes the circle, as Blazing Torch is good against Blast Man, starting Mega Man 11’s Robot Master cycle over.

So there you have it: after a couple playthroughs of Mega Man 11, I have determined this to be the best way to go through the game’s Robot Masters. Do you have your own preferred order? Feel free to let us know in the comments below. Mega Man 11 is available tomorrow on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. In the meantime, you can check out our review or pick up the game on Amazon.

Since 2010, the Mega Man series has mostly lied dormant. Fans of the blue bomber have seen him in an officially-licensed fangame on PC and a pair of top-shelf compilations. Thanks in large part to Mighty No. 9’s Kickstarter in 2013 and the subsequent failure of the game itself in 2016, it was clear that there was still a lot of interest in Mega Man, and Capcom has wisely capitalized on it with an all-new entry in the mainline series. Whereas Mega Man 9 and 10 went with a Mega Man 2 skillset and direct influence, the eleventh entry uses Mega Man’s complete skillset and changes it up a bit.

One small change is Rush being moved to a simple button command now – so you don’t have to scroll through a menu to get to new heights in a stage. The biggest change is the debut of the double gear system, which allows you to choose between either increasing the buster’s power or slowing down time to dole out damage in a more efficient manner. The core Mega Man series has tinkered with adding new powers every so often – but these changes are significant and make every area just a bit different depending on whether or not you choose to use either power during a stage.

While things like the Rush jet or various Mega Man 6 armor pieces added in a level of speed and dexterity that would later be more akin to the Mega Man X series, no sub-series has seen powers quite like this. Sometimes, upgrades would be similar to prior weapons – but these changes can completely change how you play the game. New armored enemy types have been added that in theory require the usage of the slow down mechanic, but can actually be toppled without it – it’s just much harder and your timing has to be more precise. In a way, this adds a sense of challenge since you can avoid using the slow down mechanic if you want. Sure, you can choose a hard difficulty setting – or you can do that and then add more challenge on top of that by putting this self-imposed handicap on yourself.

Similarly, the powered-up ability makes sub-bosses easier in theory. Your timing still has to be dead-on, but by doing more damage, you can be more efficient. It’s fun to go through the stages and just demolish lower-end enemies and then try to have that same level of power against larger foes. While they do take longer to topple, it’s more fun to see yourself destroy them in less time. However, doing this requires far more skill – while using the slow down mechanic makes tougher battles easier, it can also be less-fulfilling.

One of the biggest lessons learned about the Mega Man series in its official absence was just how important the feeling of the game truly was to creating a memorable experience. Keiji Inafune’s Mighty No. 9 looked the part and had jumping and shooting – but it lacked the tight controls that made the pixel perfect platforming so exciting. It’s the kind of thing that separates a good game from a great one, and it was sorely lacking. In its place were some gimmicks of its own that like the double gear system here, kept things similar while changing them up.

The core structure of the game is what it was in the original series before the roster of robot masters was split in half. Like the classic entries, you get to choose between eight rivals at a time instead of splitting it into two sets of four. In doing so, you still have the challenge of figuring out more boss weaknesses on your own as there are no hints given – and that’s part of the fun. Using logic is a big key in figuring out weaknesses and good old trial and error never fails to help out either. Some may find the lack of direction frustrating, but the inclusion of many difficulty settings should ease this burden – and does allow this to be the most beginner-friendly entry in the series outside of Mega Man 10, which did go overboard in making easy mode a bit too easy at times.

Mega Man 11 is tough but fair – even on the easiest difficulty levels, which keep the same hazards and only give you buffs like angelic lifts upwards from bottomless pits and do nothing to ease the knockback. The level design is built around the new powers with a new set of challenges. Insta-death sections are nothing new to the series, with its plethora of things like spike areas or laser beams filling the screen – but this entry mixes it up with auto scrolling sections that have similar stakes. These left-to-right areas feature obstacle courses while things like flame walls ensure that you will either move right correctly or die. The great thing about them is that you can solve the problems they pose with a bit of forethought. You can choose to either blast through things with a charged shot or make use of your powered-up buster shot and help out that way. However, it’s a risk/reward for each. If you try nothing but charged shots, you might run out of time, while relying entirely on powered-up shots means that you might overheat the gear and then have to rely on a charged shot when you don’t have time for it.

Visually, Mega Man 11 does what Mighty No. 9 tried to do with its concept art and provides a blend of cel-shaded character models and traditional polygonal environments. It’s very much like Mega Man Powered Up on the PSP – only with cel shading offering up a highly-stylized version of all of the characters and giving this entry a very distinct look. It’s exactly the kind of look a modern take on the series should have if they aren’t going to go with a throwback art style, and it retains the same kind of limited animation that makes things like pixel-perfect jumps possible and easy to space out. The game’s environments may not stray too far off from the norm – but they are highly-detailed and have more life in them than ever before.


The Mega Man series has been revered for 30 years and its high quality soundtracks have been a major reason why. They took even forgettable entries and made them a joy to play through. This entry doesn’t have the greatest songs in history but does have some of the most complex. Each song has a level of depth to it that is unusual for the series. However, with that depth comes a lack of memorable tunes. Every song is fun to listen to in the game, but nothing quite stuck with me so much that I had it playing in my head after a play session. The sound design is similarly improved, yet less memorable. There are more things going on with weapons from enemies making more kinds of noises, but none stick with you. The music is probably the most disappointing part of the game, unfortunately.

Luckily, it’s the lone weakness of what is otherwise a very good game. Is it on-par with the classic franchise’s best entries ever? Not quite – but it is in the top third of them and that’s huge. Mega Man 11 is coming at a time of great unrest for the character and this shows that the franchise can be done quite well even with new people at the helm. It takes the best of what worked before and manages to add new things in to make it feel modern and more than just a retread of the past. It’s a great buy for anyone who has either loved Mega Man, or wanted to see what the fuss was about.


Reviewed By: Jeremy Peeples
Publisher: Capcom
Rating: 85%

This review is based on a digital copy of Mega Man 11 for the PlayStation 4 provided by Capcom.

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